AP* Literature Teaching Units
Reproducible curriculum unit
By the end of this unit, students will be able to: analyze the novel as a coming-of-age story, a religious allegory about the conflict between good and evil, and as a psychological exploration about the effect culture on identity; chart the key moments in the story that define the growth of the lead character; analyze Anaya’s development of the major symbols of the novel-such as the owl, the horse and the carp—and their contribution to the novel’s theme; examine the novel’s view of the differences and conflicts between men and women in traditional Mexican society; analyze the novel as an allegory for an individual’s internal struggle and growth; examine each of the major characters as an archetypal figure; examine the elements of Magical Realism in the novel; and Discuss the novel as an example of bildungsroman. 73 pages. ©2010.
This title is part of the series: AP* LITERATURE TEACHING UNITS