A K–12 Sourcebook

Paperback with reproducible pages


   Order Code: EM142    ISBN : 9781930572447
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Dozens of flexible group activities

By Joe Wittmer and Diane W. Thompson. Packed with dozens of flexible, grade-level-appropriate group activities, this counselor resource also provides an overview and understanding of the concepts behind large group developmental guidance. Offering students increased opportunities for self-exploration and personal involvement, the activities are arranged into six sections: interpersonal communication and cooperation, cross-cultural awareness, academic survival skills, decision making, personal assessment and awareness, and responsible behavior. Each activity lists grade level and purpose, materials needed, general directions, and closure ideas. Reproducible student worksheets extend many activities. Especially helpful for TAP (Teachers as Advisors Programs). 8½” x 11″. Educational Media. Approximately 240 pages. Second Edition. ©2005.groupcounseling

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Grades K-6