COMPLETE SET: 13 card games
Based on the popular card game "go fish," these educational games differ in that players must answer an open-ended question before they can accept a requested card. For example, in Cast Away Conflict, players read scenario cards that contain conflict situations, and then are asked to solve the conflict in a way that is fair to both sides; in Catch Good Character, players answer open-ended questions about character, giving examples from their own experience; and in Reel in Responsibility, cards ask players to decide whether a wide range of scenarios depict responsible or irresponsible behavior, and to explain why. Rules sheets and facilitator guidelines are included, and each game includes two decks of 50 cards, one for grades K–2 and the other for grades 3–5. Playing time: about 20 minutes. Franklin Learning Systems. ©2010–14.
Sample pages from Reel in ResponsibilityFLS180
Grade | Grades K-6 |