Paperback with reproducible forms


   Order Code: JY128    ISBN : 9780876287866
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Ready-to-use models cover progress reports, college admissions, chemical dependency, and abuse

An exceptional timesaver, this collection of more than 220 letters, memos, forms, and policy statements allows counselors in grades K–12 to spend more time counseling and less time at administrative tasks. Ready-to-use models cover areas of routine preparation, such as progress reports and college admissions, as well as addressing critical issues such as chemical dependency and abuse. Field-tested by counselors, the forms are ready to use as is, can be adapted, or can serve as an idea springboard. The resource covers four major topics: educational development, personal counseling, counseling for the future, and communication and professional development. 8½” x 11″. C.A.R.E. 265 pages. ©1991.PH282

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Grades K-6
Grades 4-9
Grades 7-12