Group Counseling Activities for Elementary Students

Paperback with reproducible pages


   Order Code: RPC112    ISBN : 9780878223473
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By Rosemarie Smead. This extensive, how-to-do-it resource offers a model for setting up and running 64 small group counseling sessions (30–40 minutes) within eight topic areas: accepting cultural and racial differences; building self-esteem; getting along with others; living through divorce; surviving grief and loss; controlling anger; showing responsibility; and being a good citizen. Session plans specify goals, materials, working-time directions, and questions for closure. Each topic includes a short introduction with group goals and selection guidelines plus references for adults and books for children. Appendixes have reproducible forms, ethical guidelines for counselors, and assessment tools. 8½" x 10½". Research Press. 229 pages.

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“Whether one session or all sixty-four are implemented, Skills for Living provides positive strategies for teaching our elementary students skills that are essential for being successful educationally and emotionally.”
—Dawn M. Zarlingo, Communique, National Association of School Psychologists

Skills for Living is a highly recommended book for school counselors and other mental health professionals working with elementary school students. Morganett [Smead] provides a structured, thorough, and relevant guide for counselors wishing to assist students in a group setting.”
—Amy Jorgensen Thayer, The School Counselor

“A beginning counselor or group worker will appreciate the structure, format, sequencing, resources for professionals and children, and rationales for the various proposed agendas. They provide group activities for younger aged children that are tightly focused, controlled, and time-limited.”
—Alison Hahn Johnson, Social Work with Groups


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Grades K-6