
   Order Code: FLS211   
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Scenario-based card games help middle school students acquire important life skills. In eight challenging games based on the popular card game 21, students compete to find the best solutions to real-life middle school situations. Topics include social networking, anger, leadership, stress, conflict resolution, social pressures on girls, being the new kid in school, and resilience. Each game comes in a sturdy box with a deck of 52 cards, facilitator’s guide, rules sheet, and a color foldout of the skills taught in the game. Grades 5–8. Up to 7 players. Franklin Learning Systems. ©2013–14.

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This title is part of the series: SMART SHARKS LIFESKILLS CARD GAMES


Grades 4-9
Grades 4-9
Grades 4-9
Grades 4-9
Grades 4-9
Grades 4-9
Grades 4-9
Grades 4-9
Grades 4-9