Texts and Lessons for Spot-On Writing About Reading

Paperback with reproducible pages


   Order Code: COR115    ISBN : 9781506360706
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Lessons help students gain confidence in responding to complex texts and ideas

By Leslie Blauman. Help students discover how to support written ideas with evidence from a text while boosting reading, thinking, speaking, and listening skills and simultaneously serving as preparation for high-stakes tests. Sections address evidence, characters, themes, point of view, visuals and their contributions to meaning and mood, and words and structure. Each section features excerpts from favorite novels, short stories, and poems, including such varied selections as "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros, the anonymous poem "Mr. Nobody," "Dreams" by Langston Hughes, and "Medusa, Pegasus, and the Chimera" by Steven Zorn. Lessons can be used as teacher demonstrations or for guided practice, and include 100 "Beat-the-Test" tips, a video clip of a lesson in action, prompt pages with key questions to ask about meaning and structure, write-about-reading templates, and additional writing tasks. Grades 7–12. References. Illustrated. 8½" x 11". Corwin Literacy. 183 pages. ©2017.

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