The True History of Whistleblowers, Drone Warfare, and Mass Surveillance


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   Order Code: HRH383    ISBN : 9781627793551
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Make a complex topic easy to understand with this sweeping, graphic novel–style history of drone warfare and mass surveillance—and their political consequences, both nationally and internationally—in the 21st century.

While reporting on the high civilian death toll from drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, the authors set out to investigate a suspected link to the U.S. government’s reliance on inaccurate electronic surveillance, delving into the workings of corporations that sell surveillance programs and the military and intelligence agencies that buy them. Their book reveals the stories of the daring journalists and whistleblowers—from Edward Snowden to the lesser-known NSA Four to former drone operators—who made sure the world would know the truth. The gripping account covers the many ways that governments track people, through both targeted surveillance and indiscriminate data collection; and how spy programs and hardware tools get turned into cyberweapons, attacking the infrastructure of hostile states and providing data used to guide drone killings.

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Metropolitan Books




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