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A widely syndicated Emmy winner, Nye’s series features fast-paced episodes in which unforgettable scientific experiments and demonstrations are punctuated by jokes, puns, and music video parodies (the "Soundtracks of Science"). Your students will fondly remember the tall, skinny, oddly excited dude in the lab coat and bow tie, whose cockeyed "Nye Labs" uncovered the cool science lurking behind everyday things and events, and who may well be responsible for making your students start to believe that science could be engaging and fun. Why build a library of these science classics? Because, as Bill Nye says, "One test is worth a thousand expert opinions." Grades 5–12. Closed captioned. Color. 26 minutes each. PBS. ©1992–98.BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY

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This title is part of the series: BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY