Directed by Lee Hirsch. Following the lives of five families over the course of a school year, this award-winning 2011 documentary exposes the painful reality of bullying. From 13-year-old Tyler, who is threatened daily on the school bus, to 14-year-old Ja’Maya, who is harassed to the point that she brings a gun to school, to two families affected by suicide, the film reveals the unseen emotional toll of bullying on families and communities, documents the responses of teachers and administrators, and encourages a burgeoning national movement to combat the crisis. A companion book provides an action plan and essays to help teachers, parents, and communities overcome bullying. Note: PG-13; some profanity. Grades 6 and up. Color. 99 minutes.
Grade | Grades 7-12 |
ISBN | 9786314936167 |