
   Order Code: HRM639DV   
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Recognizing Drug and Alcohol Addiction. Maybe you say you are just experimenting—but are you really on the road to addiction? This unique program asks viewers a series of 12 questions that focus on whether or not they risk addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Questions include: Does your use of drugs or alcohol cause problems at school or at home? Have you found that you need increased amounts in order to get high? Do you want to cut back but can’t? After each question, viewers hear personal reflections from young recovering addicts and comments from a leading addiction expert. Finally, the program asks students to assess their responses, and also offers specific advice about how to get help. The disc includes a 34-page teacher’s guide with learning objectives, program summary, and printable activity handouts and fact sheets. Grades 7–12. Closed captioned. Color. 24 minutes. Human Relations Media. ©2011.

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Grades 7-12