
   Order Code: FHM187DV   
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Home video captures a happy day for four high school friends—and the DUI that kills two of them

To expose the danger of drunk driving, Dan Rather hosts a special report based on home video shot by Kelly Davis on the day he and his three best friends graduated from high school—the happiest day of their lives, until Kelly’s camera catches the car crash that kills two of the four. This powerful anti-DUI film looks entirely real until final credits reveal the film to be fiction. In a final segment, actor Lane Garrison (co-star of the TV series Prison Break, now serving three years for a DUI manslaughter) warns, "This can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. It can happen to you. I know because it happened to me." Grades 8 and up. Closed captioned. Color. 30 minutes. Films for the Humanities and Sciences. ©2008.

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Grades 7-12