Small Groups for Counselors on the Go
GRADES 3–5 (223 pages)
Connect with a representative to create a custom curriculum for your district.
Ready-to-use session plans for the most-needed small-group topics
Address the most-often needed small-group topics with ready-to-use or easily adaptable session plans supported by reproducible handouts. The K–3 book lays out 14 small groups addressing behavior issues, academic improvement, and understanding self and others. The grades 3–5 book equips counselors for 18 four- to eight-session groups addressing behavior issues, social skills, respect, self-confidence, academic improvement, test-taking, divorce, and grief. Grades K–5. Illustrated. 8½" x 11". Marco. ©2006–07.
This title is part of the series: GROUPS TO GO
Grade | Grades K-6 |
ISBN | 9781575431437 |