
   Order Code: NYS2999   
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Immerse students in Texas history through key themes and events as they play out in place to build a solid foundation of geographical history. Built around the TEKS, this mapping program is uniquely designed to meet the needs to Texas classrooms.

Complete Program Components

  • 30 copies of the Atlas of Texas History (104 pages)
  • Teacher’s Guide with detailed teaching instructions, reproducible lesson handouts that link history and geography
  • 15 foldout and double-sided markable activity maps (from 13″ × 19″ to 39″ × 19″) that show Texas, the United States, and the world.
  • 15 wet-erase markers
  • Teacher’s Guide
    Students gather, organize, and synthesize evidence from texts and visual resources to place milestone events within larger historical trends, visualizing history as they learn new concepts and build skills. The detailed teacher’s guide includes instructions, reproducible handouts, assessments.

    Foldout Activity Map
    Foldout and double-sided markable activity maps (from 13″ × 19″ to 39″ × 19″) that show Texas, the United States, and the world.

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    This title is part of the series: MAPPING TEXAS HISTORY



    Sample pages from the guide