A Simulation of Solving a Scientific Mystery While Learning About Machines

35 printed student guides (optional)


   Order Code: INT949SG    ISBN : 9781560044598
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A recently deceased inventor has left behind a mystery machine using the six simple machines that together form all complex machines. To figure out what the machine is and how it can be used, student teams conduct laboratory explorations and participate in group problem-solving sessions to learn about simple machines, all the while keeping records in their Science Journal. Then, with their newly found knowledge, they take on the challenge of designing a machine that incorporates at least two simple machines and can move a roll of pennies three feet. The teacher’s guide contains procedures, handout masters, extensions, and assessments; student guides give background, diagrams, and instructions. The full simulation runs for 13 class periods, although either phase may stand alone. Grades 4–8. Interact.

Sample pages

Common Core correlations, Grades 4–6

Common Core correlations, Grades 7–8Interact1

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This title is part of the series: MYSTERIOUS MACHINE