DVD (widescreen)


   Order Code: HRM676DV    ISBN : 9781627060493
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How easily "just on weekends" escalates into ruined lives

Demonstrating how easy it is for "the first puff" to escalate into a detrimental daily habit, watch a fictional teen named Trevor rationalize his way from "only" getting high on weekends with friends to smoking alone daily. Trevor’s story is paralleled by interviews with real teens who discuss how their own casual use gradually escalated into abuse before they even realized they had a problem. They explain in hindsight that they were blind to the effects that their addiction had on their lives, and emphasis is placed on common rationalizations for smoking marijuana (it’s legal in some states, it’s natural) as well as often-downplayed consequences (lack of motivation, loss of friendships). Includes a pdf guide with student activities, fact sheets, and more. Note: depicts drug use. Grades 7–12. Closed captioned. Color. Human Relations Media. 18 minutes. ©2015.

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Grades 7-12