
   Order Code: VN113DV   
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This best-selling 24-hour DVD volume gives students essential tips to become savvy SAT-takers and maximize their scores on all three sections of the exam. Critical Reading analyzes various formats, question types, and subject areas of reading passages, and covers the basic approaches and structures of the sentence completion portion of the exam. Writing discusses multiple-choice formats and rules for sentence structure and mechanics, and explains common grammar and usage errors. Math shows how to master lengthy computations and find quick solutions to multiple-choice and grid-in questions in four broad areas-number and operations, algebra and function, geometry and measurement, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. Interactive menus allow easy selection of study topics. Color. Video Aided Instruction. ©2005.

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This title is part of the series: SAT SERIES


Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12