
   Order Code: LV471DV   
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Students engage in a well-rounded exploration of Shakespeare's characters, language, and key passages

This series of three DVDs is composed of several well-focused two- to four-minute clips, each about a different aspect of Shakespeare’s writings—from his masterful use of language and well-crafted characters to key moments and passages that are both powerful and memorable. Through onscreen text, readings of passages, pertinent examples, and thoughtful discussions, students will engage in a well-rounded exploration of what are considered by many to be some of the greatest works in the English language. Along the way, they will discover why readers and audiences have enjoyed the work of this poet and playwright for so many years. 23 minutes each. Grades 7–12. Color. Closed captioned. Schlessinger. ©2009.

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This title is part of the series: SHAKESPEARE FOR STUDENTS