Classification and Management



   Order Code: VEA304DV   
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Avoid liability issues by putting everyone—coaching staff, health staff, and student athletes—on the same page when it comes to assessing and managing injuries. This sensible program addresses types of injuries (direct, indirect, and overuse), soft tissue injuries (skin abrasions, lacerations, blisters, and calluses; muscle sprains, strains, and bruises; and the three stages of the inflammatory response), and hard tissue injuries (dislocations; injuries to teeth; and bone fractures, whether complete or incomplete, simple or compound). Dramatized scenarios demonstrate key injury management techniques, including the assessment checklists RICER (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, and Referral for diagnosis), TOTAPS (Talk, Observe, Touch, Active and Passive movement, and a Skill test), and DRABC (Danger, Response, Airways, Breathing, and CPR). Color. 19 minutes. (VEA) Video Education America. ©2010.

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Grades 7-12