AP* Literature Teaching Units

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By the end of this unit, students will be able to: identify the conventions of satire; examine theories of humor; analyze the narrative arc including character development, setting, plot, conflict, exposition, narrative persona, and point of view; identify and analyze the literary techniques of pace, in medias res, suspense, antagonist, dialect, internal monologue, aside, allusion, hyperbole, irony, parody, pathos, and sarcasm; analyze the effect of word choice and sentence structure to express meaning, tone, and theme; analyze themes of independence, education, lying, religion, social outcasts, and death; and offer a close reading of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and support interpretations and assertions using evidence from the text and knowledge of Mark Twain’s biography and period history. 125 pages. ©2010.

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This title is part of the series: THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER



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