Helping Children Build Essential Empathy and Compassion Skills



   Order Code: YL291CD    ISBN : 9781598501964
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By Will Moody. Help students build empathy and compassion skills through ten short lessons for computers or interactive whiteboards that are jam-packed with energetic games, activities, and music. Empathy Engineers Jen, Jack, Ria, and Randy take students on an amazing, multicultural adventure that will help them develop more fulfilling friendships and experience greater happiness for themselves and others. Among the topics covered are understanding the difference between empathy and compassion, standing in someone else’s shoes, and using empathy to combat bullying and embrace diversity. Ideal for creative delivery of counseling core curriculum content, the program is designed for use with whole classrooms, small groups, or individuals. Lessons include reproducible handouts and are preceded by introductory games and activities that can be used as stand-alones, with other lessons, or for review. Grades K–6. Color. YouthLight. ©2016.

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Grades K-6