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Exploring and explaining "how the brain takes in information, sifts through it to find patterns, and uses it to build the multisensory Technicolor show that is your reality," six one-hour episodes tell the story of the inner workings of the brain and take viewers on a visually spectacular journey into why they feel and think the things they do.
Blending scientific truth with innovative visual effects and compelling personal stories, the program’s charismatic host, a neuroscientist and Macarthur "genius," takes an exciting multidisciplinary approach to understanding the brain’s neural landscape while asking profound questions like "What is reality?" and "Who is in control?" (Also available is The Brain: The Story of You, a colorfully illustrated 218-page companion book that further explores the issues covered in the episodes.)
This title is part of the series: THE BRAIN
Copyright | 2015 |
Publisher | PBS |
Grade | 9 and up |
Color | Color |
Run Time | Total time: 360 minutes |
ISBN | 9780525433446 |