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A "renegade textbook writer" explains the War Between the States in an often humorous yet compelling narrative assembled from all the "good parts" his editors always cut out.
Flowing anecdotes show the personal side of players major and minor (such as Lincoln’s first meeting with Grant, and fisticuffs in the Confederate Congress) and lend perspective to famous events from within and without (e.g., the Siege of Vicksburg from underneath the city, and a woman watches the attack on Ft. Sumter from her roof). Several maps help to orient readers, while dozens of illustrations put faces to names. The closing section summarizes the postbellum lives of significant figures. A downloadable 48-page activity guide is available separately.
This title is part of the series: STORYTELLER'S HISTORIES
Copyright | 2015 edition |
Publisher | Square Fish |
Pages | 244 |
Grade | 5 and up |
ISBN | 9781250075789 |