Building Children’s Powerful Oral Vocabularies

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Builds literacy skills based on the foundation of oral language

By Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz. "Enthusiastic," "valuable," "remarkable," and "perceive" are examples of WOW! Words—sophisticated words that enrich children’s listening and speaking vocabularies regardless of writing and reading proficiency. Sorted into age-specific groups, four sets of 36 lessons teach one new word for each age group for each week of the school year. Parents and teachers can engage their confident conversationalists with the book’s rich, age-appropriate tools and resources: definitions, synonyms, pronunciation guidelines, figurative language, additional forms, sentences, short rhymes, poems, songs, discussion questions, illustrations, and hands-on activities, in addition to visual aids that organize and display word-acquisition progress. Grades pre-K–2. Index. Illustrated. 198 pages. Good Year. ©2011.

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“This book is so well put together. [Ms. Hajdusiewicz] tells how to pronounce and use each word and then even gives all those activities to do with the word! I only wish every child and every teacher had a copy of this book in their hands! And for an 86-year-old woman to be so excited about a book like this is telling!”
—Mary Ann Chapman, educator

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This title is part of the series: WOW! WORDS


Grades K-3
Grades K-6



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