A Mini-Musical for Upper Elementary and Middle School Students
Active participation unit, audio CD
This unit uses music, dance, and the familiar story of Jack and the Beanstalk to impart the wisdom of resisting peer pressure. Jack and his friends see an opportunity to steal from a wealthy giant and his wife, who live in a mansion atop a beanstalk; pressured into acting as lookout, Jack is left behind as his friends escape. Through genuine acts of kindness, Jack and the giants convince the rest to be kind and helpful to others, for which they are rewarded. The teacher’s guide includes procedures, a complete script, sheet music, suggestions for choreography and other aspects of staging, blackline masters for costumes, and an audio CD of musical accompaniment. Recommended practice time totals two to three weeks, while performance time is 30–35 minutes. Grades 5–8. Interact.
Standards correlationsInteract1
Grade | Grades 4-9 |