Nuestro Mundo Cambia (Our Changing World)


   Order Code: NYS0862SP    ISBN : 9780782536119
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Discover a newly updated Nystrom Elementary Atlas for a new generation. Foster geographic literacy and key social studies skills with Nystrom Our Changing World in Spanish!

Nuestra mundo cambia is identical to its English counterpart, Our Changing World. The Spanish-language version is a great way to ensure that your English language learners engage with the same content as their classmates. Your young learners can keep up with the class while exploring the atlas and completing activities in their native language.

The atlas helps second graders explore the people and places that make up a community, both locally and globally.

Paperback Atlas
This 60-page atlas introduces second graders to geography and social studies skills and concepts starting with an exploration of communities.

• Compelling questions, topic sentences, and captioned photos
• Bird Guide speech balloons give students important things to think about
• Age-appropriate maps of the United States and continents

Student Activity Book
Give students a richer experience of the atlas with this 140-page reproducible activity book, which includes handouts and literacy lessons to introduce and reinforce essential skills.

E-Atlas and Interactive Activities w/ 5-Year Subscription
• 5-year subscription to e-atlas and activities

Atlas Pack w/ Digital Subscription
• 30 Nuestra mundo cambia atlases
• Student Activity Book (reproducible activities)
• 5-year subscription to e-atlas and activities

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This title is part of the series: Nuestro Mundo Cambia (Our Changing World)